The piles are steel made screws that sustain the structure of the build assuring it sustain the weight of it.

The process of installing the screw piles demands a special earthmoving equipment used in a rotating screw-like motion. The primary objective of screw piercing is to provide a sturdy and dependable foundation.

Sipexpress is all about setting the gold standard in product quality. Our commitment shines through in the meticulous research and development that goes into creating a top-notch line-up of ground screws. These aren’t just any screws; they’re crafted for peak performance, exceptional durability, and unwavering structural integrity.

What sets us apart? Our professional range of ground screws boasts a grade of steel that outshines any other supplier in the UK. And don’t just take our word for it – independent laboratory tests have given their seal of approval. Whether you prefer a DIY approach with our supply-only option or the expertise of our accredited teams for installation, we’ve got you covered nationwide.

Here’s the deal: you won’t find a better product out there. And with our price guarantee, you won’t find a better deal either. Sipexpress is not just a supplier; we’re a commitment to quality and unbeatable value.